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Study Preparation

Preparing for Sleep Study:

The following preparation should be made just before your overnight stay:

  • Shower or shampoo your hair.
  • Avoid using anything on your hair after it has been cleaned and dried.
  • Do not wear makeup or jewelry.
  • Do not use creams or lotion on your face or body.
  • Do not wear acrylics nails or hair braids/weaves that can affect sensor placement.
  • Pack your sleepwear and toiletries.
  • Bring your reading glasses, if applicable, for use in completing paperwork.
  • If you prefer, bring your favorite pillow, blanket and any reading material or other items that can help you pass the time before bedtime.

During your Sleep Study:

When your study begins, the technologist will ask you to be seated and the process of placing special sensors on various points of your body will begin.

Depending on the type of sleep study prescribed, the sensors may be placed in the following locations:

On your scalp
On your forehead
On your templates
Near your eyes
Under your nose
On your chin
On your finger
On your chest
On your leg 

The technologist will explain the purpose of each sensor as its being placed. Sensor are placed using a type of medical paste and you should not experience any pain or discomfort with this processes.

After the placement of the sleep monitoring gear, you are free to relax until bedtime. Please inform the technologist of your normal sleep and waking times. When possible, we will try to accommodate your sleep schedule. 

At Bedtime

Just before bedtime, the technologist will attach the long leads (wires) from your sensors to the computer monitoring system that is located at your bedside.

While it might seem a bit awkward to sleep with the many wires running from your sensors to your bedside monitoring equipment, it should not create any discomfort or impair your normal ability to sleep or to get up during the night, should you need to use the restroom.

The technologist will be nearby and will be continually monitoring your sleep study on our sleep diagnostic system.

When Getting Up:

Following your sleep study, the monitoring gear is removed. In those areas of the body hair, there may be slight pulling sensation when the sensor is being removed, much like the removal of a band-aid.

You may use the restroom, freshen up and get dressed for discharge. The results of your sleep study will be forwarded to your sleep physician for interpretation and the recommendation of a treatment that's right for you.

Daytime Study (MSLT):

If patient presents with symptoms of narcolepsy or to measure the level of sleepiness if complaints of excessive daytime sleepiness. Following is the procedure to perform Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT).

Procedure: A MSLT would be performed when a patient presents with symptoms of narcolepsy or to measure the level of sleepiness if complaints of excessive daytime sleepiness.

  1. The naps begin 1 1/2 - 3 hours after the overnight sleep study.
  1. The patient should be in street clothes during MSLT.
  1. The patient is not allowed to consume caffeine or alcohol during the study and if they smoke must have had their last cigarette 30 minutes prior to the beginning of any nap. 
  1. Each nap will start two hours after the previous nap.   
  1. If the patient does not fall asleep then the nap will end after 20 minutes from lights off.
  1. If the patient does fall asleep then the nap will end 15 minutes from sleep onset. 
  1. A fifth nap will be given only if the patient demonstrates one REM period during the first four naps. 

Note:  Breakfast and lunch will be provided from Cottage Hospital's Park Place Deli. If you are on special diet then we recommend you to please bring your own food.

For patient comfort we have a TV/DVD in our waiting room. Please bring your own DVD if you want to watch any movie. We have a Cat 5 cable if you want to connect to the internet.

2323 Oak Park Lane, Suite 200-201 • Santa Barbara, CA 93105 • Ph:(805) 682-1738 • Fx: (805) 682-1936
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